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Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Celebrations, a con...

New Year's Eve, a day to celebrate by crowding in an area and proving that you can count backwards; while some get high in gunpowder smoke, others reach a euphoric (sort of) state with head tilted backwards and a dropped jaw, looking at colorful light bursting into circular patterns in the sky.

For some reason, I have been thinking, why do new year countdowns and fireworks happen in most malls? MONEY. It's a bloody con, you are expected to get there early to avoid a jam, so you'd sit somewhere and have a meal or shop a bit. Well, if the malls are doing it, clubs and all might as well pounce on this chance to get some profits too! And we, kids and them young adults go out and have fun!

New Year Celebrations; if you do not have sporting friends, you'd find yourself in a discussion of how hot it was, how sticky and sweaty everyone is; you might find it hard to get a parking near the happening area and wonder why you couldn't just park further and walk since it ain't too hot at night; you have to be out early, to bypass the jams, hence, you have to wait for those who are often, fashionably late; you have to wait for the crowd to disperse before going back if you hated jams -but this won't be a problem if you parked further down the road-; if you're the driver, good luck; if your friends are from Church, leave them alone; if you have a large group of friends who are quite the blonde, you might miss the countdown (experienced it twice) while you hear faint voices of the crowd going 10, 9, 8..... -whats the bloody fun if you didn't start at "10";

"I think that a New Year's Resolution can never be fulfilled -and people often try again the next year- because of its first two letters..RE" -Phoon Chi Kit-
But then again, New Year Celebrations can be fun and a its a blardy good way to get your mind of the struggles you are about to face in the year ahead. Having fun all the way till the wee hours without having to worry about waking up for work or for college; taking your mind off the big exams coming in the year, getting a promotion from your boss, or just, getting to hang out with your friends. Here I am blogging...

2010, its gonna be an eventful year for me, I hope...=)

Can't believe my next post will only happen next year....

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