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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Chi Kit's Attempt at being Nostradamus

2012 The Movie..nope..haven't watched it.

But I'm pretty sure the catastrophes you see in it is not going to happen. A catastrophe may happen, but more people will survive cause there are many people much smarter than the Americans in emergency situations. Though, if 2012 is "the end of the world"; I believe that many species would survive and thrive later including humans. The term "end of the world" I assume would be segregation of communities of humans in different places, far away without means to communicate so in the survivors eyes, end of whatever world they remembered being.

Why earthquakes and asteroids? Why not Earth losing its magnetic shield? Apparently, the Earth's magnetic field changes or flips.. South to North and vice versa and it takes a week to revert back to its original and current known position...think about that, the powerful and dangerous radioactive rays from the sun killing our communications, economic crisis occurs as trading and international transportation has to stop. and blablabla..

till I get another idea, i shall stop this..

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